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Physiotherapy aims to restore, maintain, and progress mobility, function, strength, and well-being. Physiotherapy helps physical rehabilitation & recovery, reduces the chance of injury, and can greatly improve health and fitness. Physiotherapy treatments include but are not limited to; manual therapies (massage, soft tissue, and joint mobilisations), electrotherapies (LASER, therapeutic ultrasound, NMES, H-Wave), and tailored exercise prescriptions.


Even though our horses can’t talk to us directly, there are things we can watch out for or changes in their behaviour that may indicate that they are suffering from musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. Such as, but not limited to –

  • Reduced performance
  • Difficulty with transitions
  • Stiffness
  • Evading contact
  • Asymmetry in muscle bulk
  • Girth behaviour/changes in behaviour
  • Unwilling to work from behind

Physiotherapy can also play a key role in recovery if your animal has had to undergo a surgical procedure or as a viable source of treatment for many common orthopaedic and neurological conditions and injuries.

Such as, but not limited to:

  • Sacroiliac joint dysfunction
  • Navicular bone/ side bone/ ring bone
  • Kissing spine (ORDSP)
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Laminitis
  • Pre/post-operative procedures
  • Muscle tear
  • Tendon and ligament injuries
  • Building muscle following a period of time off
  • Wobblers
  • Sting holt
  • Shivers

Equine physiotherapy is excellent at improving a horse’s performance and can greatly decrease the rehabilitation period or recovery time from an injury or operation. Our main aim, and priority, is always the well-being and quality of life of the horse. So, if you think your horse may benefit from physiotherapy, are concerned about a recent change in their behaviour, or they are displaying one or more of the symptoms mentioned above then please don’t hesitate to get in touch and book an appointment.


Our canine companions bring so much joy to our lives that it’s important to return the favour and make sure they are well looked after. Whether it’s a competitive/working animal or a beloved pet, dog’s bodies go through the same wear and tear as us. They might get injured, need an operation, or begin to slow down and lose functionality from old age. Whatever it might be, canine physiotherapy has been proven to reduce pain, improve functionality, reduce the chance of further injury and, most importantly – improve quality of life. If you’re a dog owner/lover, then you’ll no doubt talk to them all the time (we all do!) but it’s unlikely that they’ll outright ask to see a physio! Here are some symptoms to watch out for –

  • Reduced energy or activity
  • A change in demeanour
  • Aggression
  • Excessive or uncharacteristic vocalisation
  • Difficulty performing tasks
  • Reluctance to go on walks
  • Not wanting to chase a ball
  • Lameness
  • Skipping/hopping

If your dog is displaying any of the symptoms mentioned, then they may be in pain or discomfort and could benefit from physiotherapy.

Similarly, if your dog is recovering from an injury or a surgical operation, physiotherapy can hasten recovery and rehabilitation. Some common injuries and conditions include but are not limited to –

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Elbow and hip dysplasia
  • Bicipital tenosynovitis
  • Intervertebral disc disease
  • Cruciate ligament injury/rupture
  • Patella luxation

If you have any concerns about your dog at all, then please get in touch via our contact page and we can discuss how physiotherapy can help.


Throughout our lives, our bodies go through a lot. We get sick, injured, may have to have an operation and we get old! It’s vital that we look after ourselves and physiotherapy is an excellent and viable form of self-care. It helps to promote faster recovery, reduce pain levels, and not only restore but improve movement and functionality. More often than not you will be referred to a physio by a doctor if you have been injured or undergone surgery.

But there are some other conditions where physiotherapy may not be the obvious solution, and yet has played a key role in the successful treatment and recovery.

Physiotherapist Surrey
Physiotherapist Hampshire

Physiotherapy services we can help with:

  • Back and neck pain
  • A neurological condition
  • A respiratory condition
  • Arthritis
  • Repetitive strain Injury
  • Managing long-term conditions
  • Work or sport-related injury

If you are looking for a physiotherapist, are suffering from any of the above conditions, are in pain or are just unsure, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch via my contact page and let me know how I can help you.